
Transformation of Annette Street Space - Part I

I am working on cleaning up this little beauty of a space that will become The Art Room.
When I first got the key, the ceiling was yellow, the floor had 10 years of grime, there were holes in the back wall, no lights and the windows were full of old vinyl. In the past few weeks I have rented a heat gun to remove the vinyl (I tried scraping off by hand and quickly gave that up!), painted the ceiling and walls, had a laundry sink and door on bathroom installed (lucky find - a solid wood door on someone's front lawn on Pacific Ave - thank you stranger!), filled holes in back wall and then wallpapered (Cole & Son), and the biggest job so far... the floor. Take a look at the how dirty it was! TSP, hot water, a wire metal brush and good old fashioned on-the-knees scrubbing cleaned it up and prepared it for painting (I don't like the colour of the existing tile, plus they are in rough shape). Yesterday I primed with STIX (amazing product!) and put down the first coat of BM Icy Blue. What will be the fun part is painting the pattern on the floor later this week (big shapes with some parts on the diagonal to make room seem larger).

the space with first base coat on tile floor... already x100 better than what was there before!

finished white space.jpg